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Toyou Corporation Personal Information Protection Basic Policy

Toyou Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "our company") fully recognizes the importance of personal information of individuals, including our customers, and will handle such information as follows:

1. Basic policy on personal information protection We comply with laws and regulations related to personal information protection, guidelines and other standards set by national and administrative agencies, and our corporate ethics. We will appoint a management officer (personal information protection manager) as a personal information protection system and clarify the management system for the entire company. In addition, we will thoroughly inform and ensure that the company's internal standards related to personal information protection are thoroughly implemented among executives and all employees. We will handle personal information within the scope of the purpose of use clearly stated to the individual. In addition, we will not disclose or provide the personal information we have received to a third party unless there is a legitimate reason such as the individual's consent or when required by law. We will maintain personal information accurately and up-to-date, take appropriate safety management measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage, and take corrective measures as necessary. We will respond appropriately to inquiries, complaints, consultations, and requests for disclosure from individuals regarding personal information in accordance with laws and regulations.

2. Purpose of use of personal information and handling within the scope of the purpose of use We will acquire, retain, and use personal information that we already possess and that we will acquire in the future for the following purposes: Planning of products and services, development/research, purchasing, manufacturing, sales, construction, repair, inspection, and other services Market research (questionnaire surveys, etc.) and analysis, product planning/improvement, and use in sales activities When you call to make an inquiry, we may record the content of the call (by recording, etc.) to ensure that we understand your request accurately and do not miss anything.

3. Safety control measures We will keep personal information accurate and up-to-date within the scope of the intended use, and will take appropriate safety control measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage, and will take corrective action as necessary.

4. Supervision of the entrusted party In order to carry out the purpose of use, we may entrust the handling of personal information entrusted to us to a third party. In such cases, we will evaluate and select the third party in advance, enter into a confidentiality agreement, and provide necessary supervision of the entrusted party.

5. Provision to third parties We will not disclose personal information that we have received to a third party without the consent of the individual, however, we may provide personal information to a third party in the following cases: When the individual's consent has been obtained When it is within the scope of the intended use and services such as product delivery, catalog delivery, sales, repairs and inspections are outsourced to a subcontractor When the subcontractor responds to your questions and inquiries When promoting services in collaboration with business partners When providing information to a subcontractor within the scope necessary for achieving the intended use When required by law, etc. When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent

6. Use of statistically processed data We may create statistical data based on collected personal information, which has been processed so that individuals cannot be identified. We may use this statistical data without restriction.

7. Inquiries and requests for disclosure Regarding personal information provided to our company, if you request the disclosure, modification, suspension of use, or deletion of the content, or if you have any comments, inquiries, complaints, or consultations, we will respond appropriately in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information.

Personal information contact point:

8. Continuous Improvement We will revise our personal information protection policy as necessary to comply with laws, guidelines, and other standards related to personal information protection. We will also continuously improve our personal information protection system to respond to various changes in the environment surrounding our company.

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